- Seattle Seahawks: R-Truth. You want to know why you are K-Kwik all grown up, Seattle? It is because you are constantly in the main event, or close to it, and I have no idea why. How do you keep getting to the playoffs? You got in this year with a losing record, and then shocked everyone when you beat the Saints. It baffles me. I am equally vexed whenever I see R-Truth in a PPV Main Event. Why? What does he bring that John Morrison, Daniel Bryan, Sheamus or Ted Dibiase can't do better. What, is it because he raps? John Cena raps better. Is it because he is black? Kofi Kingston is more athletic, and Mark Henry can at least sell being intimidating. JFLANland has no love for R-Truth, and no love for the Seahawks. I am sorry, but that's what's up.
- St. Louis Rams: Alberto Del Rio. Confession time. I don't like this character. Why are we supposed to hate him? Because he is a rich Mexican? Really? Are we that xenophobic, Vince, that you expect us to hate a Mexican just because he has more money that us? Wait.... don't answer that. I forgot about just how much white trash there is in America. Nevermind. (This is why Vince is a billionaire) Anyway, Del Rio is going to vie for the title at Wrestlemania. He is in the big time now. Are the Rams? No. But I see good things. They go from being the worst team in football to almost making the playoffs. Not too shabby. And Sam Bradford looks like a solid NFL starter, just like Del Rio looks like a solid heel. All the talent is there (except a #1 WR in St. Louis). Just take some time to develop it.
- San Francisco 49ers: Shawn Michaels. HBK was one of the greatest of all-time, but he isn't around much anymore. That is kind of like the 49ers. Can anyone argue they aren't a Top 5 All-Time NFL Franchise? (I put them with Pittsburgh, Dallas, Green Bay and Indianapolis) They were amazing. Ruled the 1980s, and won a title in the 90s. HBK became one of the faces of the WWE in the 1990s, and helped to take back Monday nights with Degeneration X during the Attitude Era. But now, he is retired. He is out of the spotlight. So are the 49ers. No QB, no heart, no playoffs. They are the HBK by the Bay, and we wish they would come back.

- Arizona Cardinals: Sheamus. Wasn't it just yesterday that the Cardinals were in the Super Bowl? Where are they now? Wasn't it just yesterday that Sheamus was the WWE Champion? Where is he now? I don't really understand the way they book him in WWE, but he was getting over pretty well as a heel. People seemed to hate him for some reason. I don't. I like him. He is Irish. Like, real Irish, not Northern Irish like Fit Finlay. He is solid on the mic and not a bad wrestler, right Fella? Plus, look at how white he is. He is like a glowing beacon of hope that pasty Irish kids can be huge if they wanted. We all liked the Cardinals too. Kurt Warner made them relevant. Then he retired, and down the tubes they go. Larry Fitzgerald is begging for a new QB. Marc Bulger, Kevin Kolb, maybe McNabb, any would do. It is just more fun when both Sheamus and the Cardinals are good. I want more competition at every level. Squashes aren't fun. So, AZ, find a QB. WWE, let Sheamus drop the stupid King gimmick and get back to just bashing people's heads in like a real Irishman. It'd be a great early St. Patty's present.

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