- Pittsburgh Steelers- Edge. Established champions on every level and for a long time. Talk a lot, have a ton of fire and passion, and back it up. Is just as happy if you boo or cheer. A perfect fit for the Steelers. They are just as confident, cocky, decorated and dangerous as the current World Champion. Sure, Clay Matthews helped Edge out on TV. His personality is still more like Pittsburgh. Oh, and let's not forget his nickname- "The Rated- R Superstar". Sounds like something that could apply to Big Ben also?
- Baltimore Ravens- Randy Orton. Again, a proven champion, and always a consistent and real threat. The only problem is that sometimes winning takes a back seat for a second. Instead, they are concerned with retribution and hurting people. Randy Orton is always looking for a chance to punt someone in the head or deliver his RKO finisher. The Ravens hit harder than any team, even if it means drawing penalties.
- Cleveland Browns- Hornswoggle. Yes, I think the Browns are the most like a leprechaun. Why not? They are lovable jobbers that pull out an occasional upset. Sounds just like the little guy to me. Not competing on the same level as the Ravens or Steelers at this point, but somehow finds a way to win some games and endear themselves to the fans. Cleveland loves the Browns no matter what. The WWE Universe loves Hornswoggle.

- Cincinnati Bengals- Doink the Clown. Pretty self-explanatory. They are jokes. Clowns. We talk about them more for their crazy off the field issues and antics than we do about their football. Ochocinco and TO were just as fun as Doink and his sidekick Dink. They played just as well too, and the Bungles had another terrible season.

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