Monday, February 23, 2009

Slumdog Button (or) The Curious Case of Benjamin Millionaire

Man, the Oscars really loved Slumdog and Benjamin Button. Oh well. After a review of some of the more recent Oscar winners for Best Picture, I have determined that Slumdog will not be a classic, just like the following winners:

2007- No Country for Old Men
2005- Crash
2004- Million Dollar Baby
2002- Chicago
2001- A Beautiful Mind
1999- American Beauty
1998- Shakespeare in Love

All good movies, but certainly not memorable classics that will stand the test of time.

Happier Oscar Notes:

- I am quite pleased I only got one of the acting awards correct. Heath Ledger was amazing, and that award was the moment of the night. Also, Kate Winslet finally won. Thank God. She really deserves it. And looked fantastic. Furthermore, I dig the way they give out the acting awards now. Having Oscar winners present them is an excellent touch. I just wanted to know where Cher was.

- I don't care what Dr. Perry Cox says, Hugh Jackman is the man. Not only can he sing, dance, act and tell jokes, but (as he sang) he is Wolverine. Someone needs to cast him in something big.

- Numerous jabs throughout the night at the Academy's inability to nominate high-grossing films. Hugh Jackman made my argument in his opening number, asking how $1 billion didn't make The Dark Knight worthy. Will Smith continued by adding that action movies had everything, such as car chases, explosions, and... fans. Don't kill the thing keeping you afloat, Hollywood.

- Ben Stiller's jab at Joaquin Phoenix was a low blow, but was sort of funny. At least Natalie Portman was there to make the segment worthwhile.

- I cannot believe pro-Prop 8 people were outside protesting. As a supporter of gay marriage, I was moved by the eloquence of the speeches from Sean Penn and the writer of Milk. "The shame in their grandchildrens' eyes" line, excellent.

- WALL-E still is the most moving film of the year. Any fan of musical theatre would agree. It only took a moment to fall in love with that robot.

- Anne Hathaway is the perfect woman. Marry me please.

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