Sunday, April 19, 2009

I Can No Longer Defend the Nationals

It is bad enough that the Nationals are an awful team. Scratch that, a team with terrible pitching, because their offense is doing more than enough to win games. But now the front office and manager Manny Acta have gone too far. This past Saturday, the Nats benched Elijah Dukes. Now, normally this would be because of something bad he did. He does have a checkered past. However, this time they benched him for showing up 5 minutes late... BECAUSE HE WAS AT A LITTLE LEAGUE CHARITY EVENT! This is insane. Acta can't win, and now he can't even get PR things right. I can no longer defend him still having a job. He is just getting everything wrong. So don't unpack those bags Manny. And that goes for you too GM Rizzo.

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