Monday, November 10, 2014

WWE Network Pick of the Week

Hello all.  Now that I am done going to way too many weddings, I have been able to catch up on some old school wrestling.  My pick for this week is WCW's Beach Blast 1992.  Rather old school I know.  I picked this for three matches in particular, which I find highly entertaining.

The first is a match between Scotty Flamingo (later to be known as Raven) and the late Flyin' Brian Pillman.  It is a great match between two men whose careers went in very different directions.  Before his untimely death, Pillman had gone from a high flying cruiserweight to a tag team champion with Stunning Steve Austin in the group known as the Hollywood Blondes (ignoring the fact that neither was from California) in WCW.  He then went to WWE and feuded with Austin, establishing Stone Cold as one of the faces of the infamous Attitude Era.  Flamingo, of course, went to ECW and established his hardcore persona known as Raven, who had successful runs in ECW, WCW and WWE.  Their Beach Brawl match shows two future stars still learning their way around the ring in a very entertaining match.

The second match pits two men who were already stars, but would go on to be extremely popular in the business.  Sting, the longtime face of WCW, competes in a Falls Count Anywhere match against Mick Foley's hardcore persona, Cactus Jack.  Extraordinarily entertaining match, and one that Foley said was his favorite during his entire time in WCW, and one of his favorites overall.

Finally, for a good old fashioned wrestling match, it doesn't get much better than Ricky Steamboat vs Rick Rude in a 30 minute Iron Man match.  I don't even think I have to explain that anymore.  If you don't like that match, then you shouldn't call yourself a wrestling fan.

There are some other fun parts of this early 90s event, such as the bikini contest between Missy Hyatt and Madusa, The Steiners defending their tag team titles, and a 6 man tag featuring (among others) Steve Austin, Arn Anderson, Dustin Rhodes and Paul Heyman on the outside.  So, watch it, enjoy it, and if you don't have the WWE Network, GET IT!

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