Saturday, May 22, 2010

Non-Sports Issue... The Insanity of Texas

Ok, I realize that my blog has been almost entirely about sports, but there is an issue that, as a grad student studying American History, I have to comment on. That issue is the rewriting of American history textbooks by the Texas School Board. Let me start by saying this- it is historical blasphemy. Their appeals and desires for rewriting history are COMPLETELY WRONG! My view has nothing to do with politics, left vs rights. No, this has to do with historical accuracy. It is an absolute abomination what Texas has passed.

First and foremost, they want the history books to show that the founding fathers supported an entirely Christian nation, with the government being guided by Jesus himself. NOTHING could be further from the truth. Thomas Jefferson clearly stated the necessity for the separation of Church and State in numerous documents, including his letter to the Danbury Baptists, as well as the Treaty of Tripoli and the 1st Amendment of the United States Constitution. Do some fucking research.

Second, referring to the slave trade as the "Atlantic Triangle Trade" is, in fact, an obvious attempt to cover up the disgraceful history of these United States in regards to slavery and race relations. By referring to the trade without mentioning slavery, you are ignoring the millions of men and women who were not only brought to this nation against their will, but also those who died in inhuman conditions crossing the Atlantic waters to America. More people died due to the slave trade than did in the Holocaust under Adolf Hitler. Shame on Texas for blatantly attempting to erase that period from the American conscience.

Third, and the final reference I will have to this unjust reform, is that Texas wants the views and opinions of Confederate president Jefferson Davis should be held on equal standing as those of President Abraham Lincoln. This is the ultimate in insulting revisionist history. Jefferson Davis was in charge of the greatest act of treason ever committed in the history of this Republic. His own personal views aside, Davis approved the bombardment of Fr. Sumter, thus beginning the Civil War. He is directly responsible for the death of the most Americans citizens in any war in the 400 year history of this country. To put his words, views and opinions in the same category as Abraham Lincoln, a man who not only opposed slavery in his own personal views but also made it the main focus of the Civil War and the early Republican party at the expense of his own life, is so far beyond the pale of reason that I am disgusted to dignify it with a response.

The reason why I bring this up, other than the obvious and rampant historical inaccuracies, is that the influence and polarization of modern politics has reached an insane level. Whether it be to paranoia over Obama's intentions or downright racism towards the fact that our President is African-American, the "Christian Right" has reached the level of delusional cult status the likes of which have not been seen since, quite possibly, the 1800s. When anyone in America polarizes themselves either to the right or the left so far that they are unwilling to listen to an opposing argument, then they have forfeited the right to rational and reasonable discussion and any inherent rights to democracy that lie therein. As it currently stands, the Christian right and the Tea Party refuse to even acknowledge the views of anyone else, thus reducing themselves to a group full of ignoramuses and know-nothings who hold no more rational view than that of untrained apes. In order to engage in a relevant debate, one must be educated and reasonable enough to listen and understand opposing points of view. Until those that subscribe to this utterly moronic views do that, then there will never be a common ground on which the two sides can meet, ergo discussion is an empty and irrelevant act. When you decide to accept reason over anger, logic over ignorance and education over partisan revisionism, than you will be welcome back at the grown-up table. Until then, kindly stay out of the way, cause the rest of us have work to do.

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