Wednesday, October 7, 2009

NFL 3 Up 3 Down

A quarter of the way through the regular season with some interesting up and downs:

3 UP

1. Surprise teams: The Bengals and the Broncos are a combined 7-1. Did not see that happening.

2. New Orleans: The Saints might be the best team in football. They man-handled the Jets. I just hope they take the bye week to get Brees back to throwing touchdowns, cause my fantasy team is hurting.

3. Bret Favre: He can clearly still play. Why does he put us through this every year?

3 Down

1. Cleveland: They are just awful. That OT game at home may have been their best chance to win all season. Now, without Braylon, can they beat the dismal...

2. Buffalo Bills: Miami is not that good, but the Bills made them look like world-beaters on Sunday. Someone is going to have to take the fall if things continue, and don't look for TO to re-sign.

3. Dallas Cowboys: How bout them Cowboys? Is it really that hard to catch and tackle a guy that is running horizontally across the field? Is it really that hard not to throw at a Hall of Fame corner in the end zone... two times in a row? Their fans may be loud, but their record is the same as the Redskins, which is saying something.

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