Wednesday, September 4, 2013

The NFL vs The WWE: AFC West

Well, it has come to this.  Here is the last installment of the series comparing NFL teams to WWE Superstars.  I hope you have enjoyed it.  Maybe I'll dust it off again before next year.  Here we go:

- Denver Broncos: The Rock
          Are the Broncos on the older side of things?  Well, their QB is.  Peyton Manning is still one of the best in the business, even if he is close to NFL AARP age.  Same goes for The Rock.  Good old Dwayne came back for a little bit, won the WWE Title, and even main-evented Wrestlemania for the second straight year (I was there, it was pretty cool to see him).  He suffered a pretty bad rib injury at the show, and may not come back ever again, but if he did he would still be at the top of the list of WWE Superstars.  We weren't sure how good Peyton would be when he came back with a different team, but he was amazing last year.  The Broncos could pull a Rock themselves this season, following Peyton on one last ride to the top.

- San Diego Chargers: Fandango
          Oh, Fandango.  I'm not entirely sure how his gimmick is still working after a few months.  I don't really think anyone cares about a wrestler who pretends to also be a ballroom dancer.  He has the look of a wrestler though, and a beautiful woman to accompany him to the ring.  It helps distract us from how unimpressive he has been in the ring.  The Chargers play in San Diego, the city with the best weather in the country.  Their powder blue uniforms are the best jerseys in sports.  Their helmets have friggin lightning bolts on them!  All of this to distract you from a sub-par team.  Maybe they will be able to continue the streak of teams in the Eagles' home opener winning the Super Bowl (last 3 years) or teams that lose to the Skins winning it all (last three years).  But, more than likely, they will dance around, leave you feeling silly after their games, and frustrate real fans.

- Kansas City Chiefs: Christian
          Christian is one of the best workers the WWE has.  That being said, he hasn't always been a Main Event guy.  His tag team partner Edge had the it factor to push him over the top and make him a WWE Hall of Famer.  Christian kind of got left behind, though he has had a bunch of good streaks.  The Chiefs have been good in the past.  They have a Super Bowl.  They won a ton of games with Priest Holmes and Trent Green.  But then they fell on hard times.  Now, they have a new coach in Andy Reid, a new QB in Alex Smith, and some new optimism.  One big push in the AFC could get them to immortality, just like how one big push for Christian could cement him as a Hall of Famer.

- Oakland Raiders: The Big Show
          This is kind of unfair to the Big Show, who is one of the most impressive big men ever in the WWE (Him, Andre, Kane and Undertaker are a class above everyone else).  However, there is this thing that the Raiders love- MEASURABLES!  Big Show is 7 feet tall and 500 pounds!  He would be the perfect Al Davis pick, God rest him.  While Show is getting a mini-push in his current storyline, the Raiders seem to be one of the worst teams in football. Still, with that size and that athletic ability, he would be an ideal Raider.

Well, that's all.  Hope you enjoyed it!  Thanks for reading, and enjoy the season!

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